a great show!
was lucky enough to get this show assigned to me when I joined
the TV division. Many of the people I had worked with on
other shows had gone on to this show. I had worked with
John Wells on CHINA BEACH, years prior and I was so excited to
be able to work with these guys again.
ER CAST & CREW are a very tight group of people and they
have a good time as well. George Clooney is the king of
practical jokes on the set. He loved to put vaseline under
the knobs of drawers and on door handles.
kill time between scenes, everyone that wasn't in the scene
would go outside and play basketball. Day and night there was
someone playing basketball. We also started playing at the
new court at the WB gym until large crowds starting gathering.
I remember when George hurt his ankle during a game and had to
use a crutch for awhile. The studio was not very happy
about that. The crew made a chalk outline of George on the
court where the injury occurred. I don't think they
thought that was very funny either.
George decided to leave the show, we were going to have a party
after the last shot. We were going to have a cake with
George's pic on it and for weeks I hounded George for a pic.
I told him that the only pic we had on file was one from his
days on FACTS OF LIFE with the big hair. It became a
running joke between us. He said he would kill me if
I put that on the cake. I finally found a pic of him in a
tux at an award show and we used it. The day the cake
arrived it was HUGE and it looked like a VELVET ELVIS painting.
We both took a look at it before the party and laughed
hysterically. The time came for George to cut the cake in
front of the press and guest and he had the knife in his hand,
when suddenly he looked over and me grinned and stabbed the cake
in the forehead of the pic. We both burst out
laughing and everyone else was not sure what was going on.
It was so funny... typical George. The next day I started
getting hounded by reporters as the story had surfaced and for
weeks the story grew. Funny how a cake can get that much
took about 15 of the cast and crew out after the party
and all I can say is we had a wild time. I made it home
the next morning but some of the gang ended up sleeping in the
production office.
was never a dull moment on the set and I have made lifetime
friends. Thank you, ER for letting me be a part of the